磁共振影像:原理與應用 Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Principles and Applications
- 研究所課程,適合研究領域為醫學影像或對磁共振影像極度有興趣的研究所同學選修。
- 課程內容:介紹磁共振影像的基本成像原理,以及其在醫學上的應用。
- 近五年開課年度:1091、1101、1111、1121、1131。
- 113學年度第一學期課程大綱。
- Reference books
- “Handbook of MRI Pulse Sequences”, Matt A. Bernstein, Kevin F. King, and Xiaohong Joe Zhou, Elsevier Academic Press, 2004
- “Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Physical Principles and Sequence Design”, E. Mark Haacke, Robert W. Brown, Michael R. Thompson, and Ramesh Venkatesan, John Wiley & Sons, 2014 (2nd edition)
- “MRI in Practice”, Catherine Westbrook and John Talbot, John Wiley & Sons, 2018 (5th edition)
- MRI相關國際期刊論文
- Topics include
- Introduction to MRI
- Nuclear magnetism (pdf), resonance and T1/T2 relaxation (pdf), and image formation (pdf) NEW!
- MR pulse sequence
- Hardware: Magnet, gradient, and RF coils
- Image formation and k-space
- Image quality and contrast
- Artifacts
- Fast scan: Echo planar imaging
- Fast scan: Fast gradient echo
- Fast scan: Fast/Turbo spin echo
- Parallel Imaging
- MR angiography
- Phase contrast MRI
- Diffusion Imaging
- Perfusion Imaging
- Grading
- Homework 30%
- Lab* 10%
- Midterm 30%
- Final 30%
- Release